Top 5
I've used this section to highlight things that make us who we are and to share some snippets of things I've found to be of interest, as we are made up of much more than what we do. I will update this list periodically, return often.

My take-away thoughts -
A great book when you have a few minutes to chow down on incredible nuggets of wisdom from more than 200 world-class performers.

My take-away thoughts -
Around the world, countries are beginning to feel the effects of the ocean's revenge as the seas and their inhabitants begin a violent revolution against mankind. A great winter read the partly takes place on the Canadian West Coast.

My take-away thoughts -
a stunningly beautiful book about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II and ends with a stunning analogy of our current times.
My take-away thoughts -
London tracks the history of the English capital from the days of the Celts until the present time. Epic.

My take-away thoughts -
“Origin” grows out of questions raised by scientists who adopt atheism in a world where strict creationism has less and less relevance.